If you had a business with 100,000 customers, all you would need is an one item that cost $15.00 and you would profit $1,000,000 (because you need $500,000 for taxes, business expenses, advertising, etc.)
So, what does this tell you . . . it tells me that McDonalds who has billions and billions of people served, has billions and billions of dollars just from the sale of $2.49 Large Fries!
That's so unfair! All I want is measly million (Okay, 3 million in 2 days -- why do you have to be so technical?) [Eye roll].
I remember reading in Millionaire Blueprints Magazine that this guy called Joe Girard was recognized in the Guinness Book of World Records as the No. 1 retail car salesman in history -- all because he understood the concept of the more people you know, the more money you can make.
Basically, he developed a database of everyone he knew and met.
"Joe developed a system of staying in contact with his customers and potential clients. For every phone call or personal contact he made, Joe would write down on a file card any relevant information. He then sent everybody on his list a unique greeting card every single month. These weren't high-pressure sales letters, just friendly reminders to let people know that he was thinking about him."
Millionaire Blueprints, Jan-Feb 2006, pg 63
Joe would send people birthday cards, 12-month follow-up referral cards and monthly "howdy do?" cards. Pretty soon he was sending out tens of thousands of cards every month -- and he was getting millions in business every year.
Wow, what a simple concept that we overlook. I mean, sending notes through the mail can cost you a bundle, but sending people e-mail and e-cards and newsletters cost you nothing! Why aren't more people taking advantage of that? Why aren't "I" taking advantage of that?
A new goal for Telemill: Acquire a database of 300,000 people that regularly receive some sort of information from me monthly. So, where to start -- let me get out my Christmas List . . .
Food for thought.