
Wednesday, March 20, 2013

How To Live Your Dream . . . Starting NOW.

It's time.

It's time that you start living your dream . . . right this minute. Right now.

A few days ago, I asked my followers on Twitter:

What is your dream job? What's the minimum you'd accept in salary to do it?

I received great answers from two of my Twitter Followers @Swalehak (Swaleha Kassim of England) and @AuroraStromberg (student of Ohio State University).

@Swalehak said that her dream job would be to "read all the books on my Must Read List", "start a blog" and "listen to all the music I love."

My response to this was, "How wonderful! Do you realize that you could live your dream right now?  You could actually create a blog that reviews or talks about the books on your reading list and the music you like to listen to.  And you can make money from this blog with advertisements and affiliate links that are possibly connected to the books and music that you review.  You could be realizing your dream today!

The arguments from Swaleha Kassim were typical.  "I'm a procrastinator," she complained "and the competition is stiff" when it comes to book and music review sites.

But I was not deterred, my answer to these protestations was:  You are going to do something today anyway -- probably all the things that you hate to do because you have to do them.  So, why don't you do something that you want to do today?  And here's the magic -- that something might as well be toward your dreams, right?

Seriously, this is the secret to Living Your Dreams.  Take your dream, formulate a plan: "a goal", "a dream job" or "a dream business" and work at making this dream goal, job or business a reality a little bit everyday.

Make a contract with yourself.  Say to yourself, "I will do something toward my dream 30 or 60 minutes each day.  I will complete a small step toward my goal each and every day and see what happens."

Amazingly, 30 days later -- in the case of Swaleha Kassim and her Review Blog -- @Swaleha would have a blog with about 10-20 posts.  She would be an author of a blog featuring some of the books and music that she loves and thus, would begin to live her dreams!

Seriously, I can't  emphasize this enough, don't worry about perfection, don't worry about the competition.  Just focus on doing the thing that you have always dreamed of doing. Create the thing you have always dreamed about.  You are now one step closer to living your dreams. Can you believe it?

Hopefully @Swalehak is creating her blog right now and soon, I will be getting a link to her blog so I can be one of @Swalehak's first subscribers.

The second person to answer my question was @AuroraStromberg who answered the question a little differently.  She said her dream job was, "To work for the @TodayShow, for free if I had to!"

My response was: "Go to LinkedIN and find people that work at the @TodayShow.  Try to connect with them.  Talk to them about the possibly of visiting the set.  Also, do you know anyone that has a connection with the show?  Working for the @TodayShow?  Start a discussions with this person and ask them if the @TodayShow would allow you to work-for-free, or participate in an internship or simply volunteer for free (whatever the @TodayShow needs, you will supply it . . . even if you are simply a gopher). "

@AuroraStromberg said she was going to try it.
If she succeeds in contacting @TodayShow staff, she is one step closer to realizing her dream. And I am one step closer to knowing someone in Television.  I love having successful, influential friends in high places!

Dreams Are Do-Able

What I realized with these Twitter exchanges were that there are a lot of people that have very do-able dreams, Dream jobs, Dream businesses, Dream lives . . . but they just don't know how to start to live these dreams.

They have no idea that there are loads of people in the world living their dream.  And I thought perhaps if you, my reader,  had some idea how other people are taking their ideas, and creating their dream jobs and dream businesses using these ideas, then more people would gain the courage to live their dreams themselves.

How They Do It

You have no idea how many thousands of friends I have that are actually living their dreams, are very happy and are well compensated for it.  These people are excellent examples of how to LIVE OUR DREAMS.  So, I'm going to begin a series of posts called "How They Do It" which will feature actual people I've met (in-person and online) that are living their dreams.  I want you to be inspired to live the best life for you . . . I want to show you HOW TO LIVE YOUR DREAM . . . starting now.

Stay Tuned!

Want me to help you realize your dream goal and perhaps suggest some steps you should take to live your dreams?  Leave a comment below answering these questions:  "(1) What is your dream job? (2) What's the minimum you'd accept in salary to do it? (3) What is stopping you from doing it today?

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1 comment:

Let me know what you think! Really, I am interested.