
Tuesday, June 4, 2013

2 Simple Steps to Making Yourself Happy

There is a key to being a happy person.  
There is a key to making you life the best it can be with the hand you've been dealt.  It's a simple concept, though it seems difficult for many of us to truly grasp.  It's taken me 40 years to get this concept down and it's best expressed by several people that I've come across in my YouTube viewing.

One ingenious man expressed the concept of "finding happiness in your world" in this way:  

Imagine you are standing in front of a mirror.  Now imagine that the image (the person) in the mirror is looking sad or angry.  You don't want to stare at a sad/angry face all day . . . you want to look at a much more pleasant face.  To change that face in the mirror, you don't reach toward the mirror try to make the face reflected there smile.  That's silly!

You know, that to make the face in the mirror change, to make that face a  happy face you have to change your face.  You have to smile first, to see the reflection of a smile come back toward you.  Right?  

Well, that is what life is, my dears.  Life is a reflection of what you are, what you are feeling, what you desire.  If you are happy, life is happy.  If you want a better life, then you have to feel that life is better . . . first.  

Only a silly person would insist on waiting for the image in the mirror to change before they feel better about the image they are watching. In other words, you don't wait for life to get better -- YOU GET BETTER FIRST!  Then life will get better. And if you do that,circumstances and opportunities will come your way that you would have never imagined!

So, how do you do this?  

1) Do something that you "love" doing:

How do you make yourself happy?  Do something that you "love" doing at least 10 minutes out of your day.  That's right, do what you love doing -- it doesn't have to take up your entire day because, I know, I know . . . you are very, very busy people.  For me, the thing I love to do is writing.  So, I decided to create and promote this blog.  Writing for this blog can take as little as 15 minutes out of my day.  It is something I look forward to doing everyday. It helps me get out of bed in the morning and I feel like I'm doing something for ME . . . just me . . . each day.  It makes me feel good, and it makes me happy.

So figure out what makes you happy and give yourself the gift of doing it (even a little bit of it) 10-15 minutes a day. You will find that as you do what you "love", circumstances adjust to allow you to do more and more and more of it.  Try it and see.

2) Give yourself a spiritual and emotional boost everyday:

How do you boost yourself up?  By doing this every morning . . .

Yes, do this.  Even if you think it's crazy or silly or "not you."  Just do it.  Try it out, see what this type of energy creates.

Now, you have the keys to a happy and more fulfilled life.  Try these two simple steps for 30 days (both steps will take no more than 20 minutes out of your day) and let me know how things turn out for you, leave a comment below.  Seriously, just try it out for 30 days and tell me if it changed your life or not. I can't wait to hear what you discover.

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  1. I LOVE this article!
    Life changes when WE do!

    Thank you for writing it.

  2. Thank you for reading it Mr. Segal.


Let me know what you think! Really, I am interested.