The Court Brothers is a reminder call service that calls defendants on behalf of the court and reminds them to show up for court, pay fines, and keep other related appointments. Our company is a small, well financed, entrepreneurial organization that has been in the teleservices business for two years. You can find more information about our company at
We Need You
We are seeking people nationwide with strong telephone skills to call court managers around the country, educate them about our innovative service and walk them through the lengthy sales process.
- There is no prospecting, leads are provided for you.
- The sales process is typically 90-180+ days
- We offer free trials and other incentives to the buyer.
The position is 100% commission based.
Successful candidates will have:
- Strong telephone skills
- Self motivated individual
- Ability to work independently
- Possess patience for the sales process in the government sector.
Position is ideal for attorneys, retirees and long term thinkers. Please send resume and cover letter to
Please remember, dear job hunter, if your qualifications and experience do not fit the position, do us all a favor and refrain from applying. Employers do not want to be bombarded with resumes of people who can not do the job.Telecommuting Jobs, Work at home jobs, telework, hom